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We support

Early stage Projects

Projects with a clear idea, direction and good work progress can apply to start receiving funds.
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We support

Charity and Helping Purpose

Charity organizations and people in need with economic problems can apply to receive funds.

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Our Process


1. Application

Submit your project or cause for voting

Upload your project or cause with lots of details for people to start noticing your cause, be as detailed as possible, this will bring you better chances of getting more votes and funds.

2. Verification

The community votes if your cause is worthy of funds

To ensure the project is genuine and worthy of funds, we will verify the project and its purpose, we believe in decentralization and transparency and that is why the community is the one who decides which projects are worthy of funds.

3. Funding

Approved projects receive funding and support

Successful applicants are notified and can start receiving funds. We also provide ongoing support and resources to help ensure project success. Once you reach your goal, you can withdraw your funds, we will deduct 5% of the funds for the platform fee.